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发布时间:2020-07-09 作者: 英语查

hippodrome 是什么意思


a stadium for horse shows or horse races


1.The carriage-way round the circular railing presented such a magnificent hippodrome .

2.On february 10 , 2002 , an aulacese new year celebration was held at the hippodrome of montreal

3.The most popular vaudeville ( variety stage ) artists of the day , including harry houdini , performed at the hippodrome during its heyday

4.But by the late 1920s , the growing popularity of motion pictures replaced the vaudeville acts and circus spectacles presented at the hippodrome

5.The early beginnings of the sport can be traced to 1907 , when annette kellerman caught the national eye as the first underwater ballerina by performing “ water ballet ” at the new york hippodrome

6.On february 2 , 2003 , initiates from the montreal center rented an exposition booth at hippodrome de montreal , a centrally located venue accessible to people from many parts of the region

7.A thank - you letter from a group of aulacese needy people , who received master s new year gifts . the next afternoon , the montreal center rented an exposition booth at the hippodrome de montreal , where many needy families , mostly new arrivals to canada , were invited to come and receive master s love and new year s gifts

8.Lastly at the head of the board was the young poet who found a refuge from his labours of pedagogy and metaphysical inquisition in the convivial atmosphere of socratic discussion , while to right and left of him were accommodated the flippant prognosticator , fresh from the hippodrome , and that vigilant wanderer , soiled by the dust of travel and combat and stained by the mire of an indelible dishonour , but from whose steadfast and constant heart no lure or peril or threat or degradation could ever efface the image of that voluptuous loveliness which the inspired pencil of lafayette has limned for ages yet to come

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